只(拼音:zhī或zhǐ),是汉语通用规范一级字。 是由三个不同的汉字简化而来——只、隻和衹。 简化字“只”始见于战国文字,指事字,本义是句末语气词。 而繁体字的“隻”始见于商代甲骨文,会意字,从又从隹,二者结合会擒获意,本义只“鸟一枚”,后引申为量词,不限于鸟。
漢字 · 总笔画:5画 · 部首:口 + 2 畫 · 傳統字:衹|隻|只 · 異體字(只):𠮡|𧙋 · 異體字(支):𢺶|𠦙|𣏃|枝|秓|䧴|隻|𨾏|榰|搘|只 ...
Pictogram (象形) : airflow coming out of a mouth (口) – a modal particle. Etymology 1 edit · trad. 只/衹*/祇 ...
①量词:一只鸡。 ②单独的,极少的:只身。片纸只字。 Example Words: 船只 [ chuán zhī ]: ship; boat; vessel. 只身 [ zhī shēn ]: alone; by oneself. 只字不提 ...
我​只​想​说​对​不​起​。 我​只​想​說​對​不​起​。 wó zhí xiǎng shuō duì bu qǐ . phr. I just want to say sorry.
我只在周末有时间。 [Wǒ zhǐ zài zhōumò yǒu shíjiān.] I only have time at the weekend.
solely engrossed in one thing just (one thing, no need to worry about the rest) simply by all means please feel free do not hesitate (to ask for sth).
只 (隻) zhī see also zhǐ. 1. 只: 只 zhī · single. 只字不提 · not say a single word. 只字不提 · not mention it at all. 2. 只 (used as a measuring unit):.
只(zhǐ) currently has the following grammatical points associated with it: Expressing "only" with "zhi" (A2); Expressing "as long as" with "zhiyao" (B2) ...
Definitions edit. 隻. † one bird; single · 隻字不提/只字不提 ― zhīzìbùtí ― to not say a single word. † (mathematics) odd; † alone; † unique ...